
Missing teeth can be replaced with implants or, more frequently, with prosthetics. Prosthetic treatment services are used both by young people who have lost teeth, e.g. in an accident, and older people who have started to lose teeth due to age.

A prosthodontist not only deals with edentulous issues, but can also help treat diseases of the masticatory organ and malocclusion. 

Patients who come to us for dentures most often want to improve their comfort of life, restore their natural facial features and help themselves to chew normally.

Fixed dental restorations also include the increasingly popular veneers and crowns, which are often used for chipped or broken teeth, and bridges when a patient is missing one or more teeth.

There are several types of prostheses:

Our specialists have extensive experience in the field of prosthetics and during the consultation they will select an appropriate treatment programme. We pay special attention to the expectations of the patient himself. 

Before treatment, it is necessary to take care of the condition of the oral cavity and prevent the occurrence of inflammation of the gums or caries. All such conditions must be treated first. 

The recovery period is minimal and depends on the chosen method. Our specialists will tell you everything in detail during your first visit.